Cheese as an ice breaker


Posted by Nibbler | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on 30-08-2009

Yesterday my mum and I met with my brother’s parents-in-law. Although my brother and his partner have been together for quite some time we had not had a chance to meet up her family until now.

Taking matters into their own hands, rather than relying on the couple involved, her parents invited us to dinner.

As well as bringing the traditional bottle of wine and flowers, I decided to bring some cheese. I had just received my monthly McIntosh and Bowman cheese club cheeses and decided to bring a sample along.

This month’s cheeses were:

  • Chabichou du Poitou AOC: a goat milk cheese from Poitou in France
  • Jannei Chevre Cheddar: a young goat’s milk cheddar from Lisdale NSW
  • La Roche Mini Bleu: a cow’s milk cheese from Rhone-Alpes in France

I also brought some Heidi Farm Gruyere (Australian) and Quickes Cheddar (aged muslin wrapped cheddar from England) as my brother’s partner is pregnant (yay, I am going to be an aunty!!!) and can’t eat the other cheeses.

It turned out to be a great idea to bring the cheese. Everyone could focus on the cheese, ask questions or offer comments on which they prefer. The most popular was the Chabichou and the Gruyere.

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