A quick trip to Paris


Posted by Nibbler | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on 05-05-2009

One of my best friends (I was going to say oldest but I didn’t think she’d appreciate it! And I am actually older than her by a year) turned 40 this year. Her dream was to celebrate her 40th in the Champagne region in France with her friends. Unable to be there for the actually day in Champagne, we compromised and I met her in Paris the week before her birthday.

When we planned this I was unsure what I would be doing at my day job and not able to commit to much more than a week. So I flew from Sydney, Australia to Paris, France for a 7 day trip. The jet lag was killer!

Being the cheese fiend that I am I was determined that I would use this trip to my best cheese advantage. I was determined to haunt the village fromagerie to try all the beautiful raw milk cheeses banned from Australia.

I spent hours on the internet looking for cheese tours. Bugged friends and fellow cheese comrades for cheese stores to visit. I carefully logged it into a google map and printed it out ready for my trip.
I was prepared!

Another cheese related goal for the trip was to answer the question that burns in the mind of most Australians (OK maybe not most but at least a couple!) – are Camembert and Brie really different. I am sure the more experienced cheese readers are gasping at this question but here in Australia, with the cheeses the average person has access to, this is a legitimate question!

It was going to be tight but I was sure I could manage it all and see my friend. It was a plan, a good plan.
Stay tuned dear reader for the tales of the Quick Trip to Paris….

Comments (2)

This is great, Sue. I’m hanging out for the next episode.

Thanks Penny! I plan to keep more coming.

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